LPA Membership


Newly appointed principals of Lutheran schools are encouraged to join Lutheran Principals Australia, providing they meet the following requirements:

  1. is a natural person over the age of 18, or is a company or registrable body;
  2. in the opinion of the Board holds the ideals of the promotion of the objects of the Company as set out in clause 7.1 in the Constitution; and
  3. is a Principal of a Lutheran School.

The LPA Executive Officer maintains a Register of Members and reasonable access to this register must only be used in a manner relevant to the interests or rights of members.

Principals may contact the LPA Executive Officer if they would like further information on LPA membership.


The benefits associated with becoming a member of Lutheran Principals Australia include:

  • Invitations to attend professional learning activities such as the biennial National Lutheran Principal Conference (NLPC), webinars and workshops
  • Access to professional resources through LPAConnect and ACPConnect
  • Invitations to apply for specific purpose grants to attend national or international educational conferences, such as the Australian Conference on Lutheran Education (ACLE)
  • Access to a national email network enabling members to communicate across borders
  • The ability to strengthen principal networks and visit colleague’s schools through the Shadowing Program
  • Receive regular LPA publications and e-Newsletters
  • Receive an LPA Drink Bottle and two professional education books


Each application for membership of Lutheran Principals Australia must:

  1. be lodged with the Executive Officer via email and must set forth the name and address of the applicant;
  2. specify the relevant credentials of the applicant to qualify as a Member; and
  3. state that the applicant agrees to comply with the terms of the Company’s Constitution 

The annual membership fee is $275.00 + GST which can be attributed to professional association application fees on your school budget. Invoices are distributed annually or when membership has been approved. 

Please contact the Executive Officer by completing the below form to request a copy of the Membership Application Form.